The Trophy Taker
27’ Tiara Pursuit
27’ Tiara Pursuit
Your trip will be on a 27' Tiara Pursuit appropriately named the "Trophy Taker".
This boat is renowned for its hull design that allows excellent stability in choppy water conditions.
The Trophy Taker has comfortable seating for cruising, while the stern (rear) of the boat has plenty of open space that allows your Captain plenty of room to work! The Tiara also has a spacious cuddy cabin for cooler/supply storage and a separate private washroom facility. This boat is made for fishing and allows ample room for socializing and fishing throughout the day.
The Trophy Taker has top of the line Electronics and Auto Pilot that have been graciously sponsored by Raymarine. This assists your Captain in finding the fish and concentrating his efforts on landing them during your Charter. The Trophy Taker is powered by twin 350 cubic inch Mercruisers that provide abundant power during cruising. Trophy Taker Charters complies with all safety and nautical requirements set out by Transport Canada.